Firstly I wanted to say welcome to my blog! Perhaps you like myself, are a single parent or maybe you just stumbled across it randomly, either way I hope you enjoy the read!
Secondly I should introduce myself; my name is Emma and I am a single mother of three young children. Hmm Single, what really defines being single? To be bluntly honest, with a kid hanging on each leg and another around your neck (be honest you're picturing it aren't you?) Once you become a Mother, I don't think you can ever truly single again.
I have two little girls and a boy, aged between almost 5 and 13 months. Their father and I recently separated and it’s that event, which has led me here at almost 5am, writing a blog about the trials and triumphs of single parenting.
I'm not going to lie; it’s not exactly "a relaxing stroll” in the park. It’s a, double stroller with a diaper bag (bigger then your head) packed full of every item of clothing, bottles, dummies, diapers, wipes, toys that you may or may not need, smacking into your thighs with every step you take, whilst trying to keep a child with the attention span of a goldfish close by, and doing all this completely by yourself, kind of walk in the park. There should be some sort of miracle drug on the market for single parents that help you grow an extra limb or something, heck it should be out there for all parents!
Being a “Single” Mum, although you are never alone, it gets lonely at times, and sometimes you feel like you know more about Wow Wow Wubbzy, than you do your friends but to be honest I am loving every second. I’d rather snuggle on the couch with my babies and watch Lion King for the 50th time, then go out. Which makes me wonder, how I will ever actually meet another man again… I can see it now, we both reach for the same Yo Gabba Gabba DVD at the video store and love blossoms (hey a girl can dream right?) Actually no I couldn’t imagine dating right now, but that is a whole other blog for another time!
I actually had my first positive thought about being a single mother today. Usually when comparing the two (being married and single that is) Married trumps single every time. I think it’s because there is such a negative stigma surrounding being a single mother, when a stranger or an associate hears about the separation, they often give me the pity look, followed by the “you’ll be okay speech”. Anyway so I was listening to a friend vent about her husband and his need to control certain situations when it struck me. I never have to answer to a man again (unless I meet someone worth it anyway). I never have to deal with being told what to do, where to go, what I can't or can have... It feels so free, I can make any decision in the entire world and the only people I need to worry about it effecting are my children; and that everyone, feels so liberating!
looking forward to following your blog, Em :) as much as being single sucks, I totally hear you on not having to 'answer' to a man... I don't know if it is being single with kids that is just 'easier', or being single in general... but I tend to be more relaxed when it's just me and the kids... not that I don't miss having 'someone', but I know you know what I mean :)